Then I hit send


This is not parenting or kid related at all, but the other thing I write is fiction, mostly science fiction, horror and dark fantasy. I’ve been playing at it for a very long while, and at least I like to think I’m not too bad at it. I have in the past made a few small short story sales. I have likely typed up 100,000’s of words. I have completed a few novels, and revised about three of those.

Today, I finished up a novel query package. Man those synopsises are difficult to write. Summarize the whole novel, give away the key plot points and ending and try to make it still have action and interest. And I hit the send button and it is off in the ether to an agent for consideration.

I’ve done this enough with story submissions, I know the likely answer will be a “no, thank you”, or “not quite what I’m looking for”. It doesn’t mean the book is bad, as much as it means that it wasn’t the right book with the right agent at the right time. Not a stub against me, or even possibly the novel itself. I can hope in the politeness I can tell she liked the idea and wishes it well elsewhere. Likely best case is she asks to get another query for another one of my completed novels. But, fingers crossed for the bestest case where she asks for a partial to read.

It was nice to do something writerly. This blog is writing, but never gonna get my name on a book anywhere. It reminded me I need to work on my fiction writing more. Put completely new words on a page in new works. Work through revisions on those other few novels I have completed. Type in the hand written novel revisions on the third novel I wrote and revised. And write a few more synposises for more query letters. Hit submit on a few more emails off to markets and agents. Remember that I enjoy escaping to someone else’s world and problems for a bit.